Create Capistrano Recipes for NodeJS Applications

This, and the following entry, are the main focus of this tutorial. Here you will learn how to create a Capistrano project, recipe – for deploying your application code, run tests, stop and restart the NodeJS server; and maintain roles. The assumptions are that git, npm and NodeJS are already installed on target servers, and […]

Install Jenkins on Debian

Installing Jenkins on Debian is a trivial task – a package is available, through aptitude, and default configuration is sufficient. This tutorial does not cover advanced security topics. By default, port 8080 is open and no authentication required – this poses a major security risk; thus if you rely solely on the instructions below, you […]

Create Jenkins Jobs using Capistrano 3 for NodeJS

Final component of the Continuous Integration and Deployment process using Capistrano and Jenkins, is …Jenkins. Jenkins is an open source Continuous Integration services tool, that allows users to define a set of tasks to be run either manually, or triggered by 3rd party applications. This page presents how to integrate Jenkins and Capistrano 3; in […]

Install Capistrano 3 on Debian

This entry shows which steps to follow when installing Capistrano 3 on Debian. Root level access is required, on the same Jenkins machine used here. NOTE: Capistrano 3 requires Ruby >= 1.9. If Ruby 1.8 is installed, follow these steps to remove it, and install Ruby 1.9: Based on 1. Remove ruby1.8: apt-get remove […]