Numato Lab 32 Channel USB Gpio NodeJS Module

Having played with the Raspberry PI GPIO interface for over a year, I thought I should explore options for a faster CPU/RAM and a different architecture to enable quicker device control and more complex software. The fastest option for controlling is using a standard PC and a standard CPU architecture. After some research, I found […]

Micro Servo SG 90 – 0 to 180 Degrees Loop

Tiny C program to loop a Micro Servo SG 90 from 0 to 180 degrees and back. Requires servoblaster. #include #include #include #define SERVOBLASTER_DEVICE_PATH “/dev/servoblaster” #define SERVOBLASTER_PIN 2 #define MIN 60 #define MAX 250 #define STEP_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS 960

Node.JS Low Latency Rapsberry PI Camera Streaming via HTTP and VLC

Here is a short code snippet for relatively low latency video streaming using a Raspberry PI camera via the HTTP protocol, and viewing it in VLC. This post is inspired by a ‘netcat‘ approach found here. Code for creating an HTTP Video Server: var spawn = require(‘child_process’).spawn, child = spawn(‘/opt/vc/bin/raspivid’, [‘-t’, ‘0’, ‘-w’, ‘300’, ‘-h’, […]