Useful web ecosystem tools

Here are a couple of tools, useful for a web based ecosystem. Papetrailapp Site: Description: Web log management service. Librato Site: Description: Log metrics collection and visualisation service. Newrelic Site: Description: Web application profiling service (works well with PHP and Node.JS). Log4php Site: Description: PHP logging framework – has a JS sibling, named log4js. Phing […]

VirtualBox Web Interface using phpVirtualBox and Debian 7

Here is a step by step tutorial on how to manage VirtualBox using the phpVirtualBox web interface on Debian 7. Add VirtualBox package repository to apt source list: sudo echo “deb wheezy contrib” >> /etc/apt/sources.list Add the public key for this new repository: wget -q -O- | apt-key add – Update the source […]

How to download and convert Youtube videos to mp3, in Ubuntu Linux

This post describes how to download and convert Youtube videos to mp3, in Ubuntu Linux. Please note that this is not an encouragement to copyright infringement, I use these tools for downloading and listening to videos on my long commute with the London Underground, where no GSM or Wifi signal are available. Requirements: youtube-dl  – […]

JavaScript Object Creation Patterns Part 1

To continue the series on Object Oriented Patterns, here is the first entry covering JavaScript; focusing on Object Creation Patterns. Namespace Pattern JavaScript doesn’t support namespaces, however, to avoid naming collisions and reduce the number of global variables, namespaces can be emulated using the technique of creating a global object, and adding functionality and variables […]

Notes on PHP Design Patterns, Part 1: Generating Objects and Flexible Object Programming

Design patterns are streamlined solutions to common problems. They provide guidelines that can be translated into code. This entry will focus on patterns used for Generating Objects and Flexible Object Programming; presenting the problem, solution and basic examples. The structure relies on Matt Zandstra’s second edition of ‘PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice‘, the ‘ZEND PHP […]

Continuous Integration and Deployment Processes

The practice of Continuous Integration ensures that code is constantly merged and tested, allowing a team of developers to share work and find issues early in the process. Continuous Deployment enables the business to constantly deliver features, capture customer feedback, and adjust accordingly. Various engineering practices facilitate the two: TDD, proper branching models, workflows and […]